加拿大師出題中藏「特洛伊木馬」 揪出AI作弊學生


因為ChatGPT、Bard之類的生成式AI愈來愈流行,不少學生忍不住誘惑想用它們來寫功課或論文,而且很難監測出來。現在一位加拿大多倫多教英語文的老師黛娜‧佩特隆尼斯(Daina Petronis)表示,自己在出題時藏「特洛伊木馬」,凡是用她暗藏的提示請AI寫作業,很容易就會被糾出來。

每日郵報(Daily Mail)報導,黛娜把暗藏的提示塞進作業指示,會誘使AI產出不尋常的詞彙,而她可以輕易找出來。


諸如ChatGPT的生成式 AI可以輸入書面提示,就叫它們來編寫出文字;也就是說,學生們可以複製老師給的做題指示,再複製到ChatGPT,幾秒鐘之內就取得撰寫極佳的文章。



Here’s some advice for using this teacher hack: - Always include the requirement of references in your essay prompt, because ChatGPT doesn’t generate accurate ones. If you suspect plagiarism, ask the student to produce the sources. - If your trojan horse includes specific words, make sure that they are included in quotation marks. - Make sure your trojan horse is completely unrelated to your essay prompt and subject matter. - You can include a trojan horse at the end of short-answer questions, too. The goal with an essay prompt like this is always with student success in mind: the best way to address misuse of AI in the classroom is to be sure that you are dealing with a true case of plagiarism. Since no plagiarism detector is 100% accurate, this method is one of the few ways we can locate concrete evidence and extend our help to students who need guidance with AI. #chatGPT #iteachenglish #iteachELA #englishlanguagearts #plagiarism #highschoolenglishteacher #iteachwriting #middleschoolteacher

♬ original sound - Daina | English Language Arts



黛娜老師在TikTok傳授簡單藏木馬的技巧,就可以抓到學生是否用AI寫作業。學生示意圖,非新聞當事者。(取材自pexels.com@Andrea Piacquadio)


AI ChatGPT 加拿大

