專家點名五款車折舊率太高 轉手想賣等於大失血

五款豪車貶值幅度驚人,想購買時請謹慎。示意圖,非新聞相關。(取材自pexels.com@Torsten Dettlaff)

有些人愛豪車,但想到轉售時會大失血就很不是滋味。理財專家韓福瑞‧楊(Humphrey Yang)在TikTok指出,有五款豪車貶值特別兇,如果買了之後想脫手,會讓你大大破財。


凱迪拉克(Cadillac Escalade ESV)

凱迪拉克Escalade ESV這款豪華多功能休旅車以車內寬敞、動力強勁聞名。但買了以後平均五年貶值58.5%,與新車的建議零售價平均差別是驚人的6萬3885元。

寶馬5系列油電混合車(BMW 5 Series Hybrid)


瑪莎拉蒂(Maserati Ghibli)


寶馬7系列(BMW 7 Series)


瑪莎拉蒂(Maserati Quattroporte)



These cars are the biggest wealth losers 👎🚗 Coming in at last place is the Cadillac Escalade ESV🥲It loses 58% of its value in 5 years time which is a $63,885 hit. The 4th spot on this list is the BMW 5 Series Hybrid that sees a 58.8% depreciation in 5 years and SPOILER ALERT: it’s not the only BMW on the list. 3rd in the most depreciation is the Maserati Ghibli that loses well of half it’s value with 61.3% or $58,623 value lost in 5 years.📉 Number 2 is the BMW 7 Series losing 61.8% of its value in five years time and in case you were wondering that’s a $72,444 hit…ouch. 😩 Honorable mention to Tesla’s Model S for depreciating 55.5% over a 5 year period too. 🎖️ And the worst car that kills your wealth and depreciates a ton over a 5 year period is the Maserati Quattroporte with a 64.5% depreciation and an MSPR difference of $90,588. 🤯 Do you have any of these cars?

♬ original sound - Humphrey Yang


