什麼植物這麼神 種在番茄旁可驅蟲還讓果實味道更好

英國園藝網紅Jamie Walton說,種番茄時在旁邊種羅勒,可以驅蟲和增添番茄風味。(翻攝TikTok@nettlesandpetals )


每日快報(Daily Express)報導,春天是種下番茄種子最好時機,這樣夏天就有爽口的番茄吃;番茄品種多,從羅塞拉(Rosella)到牛排番茄(Brandy Boy beefsteak)都能輕易在家種植。


園藝網紅渥頓(Jamie Walton)在TikTok影片中表示,伴生種植(companion planting)是把不同植物種在同一個苗床中,創造出更強韌、繁榮和更有生產力的生態系,種番茄時他推薦在旁邊種羅勒,因為羅勒強烈的氣味可以嚇退一些常見的害蟲,而且還會讓番茄的味道更好。




Grow These with Tomatoes! 🍅👉🏻🌱🌼 Companion planting is fundamental to a healthy and productive vegetable garden. 😊🌱🐝 It helps to maintain a balanced ecosystem, reducing pests, increasing pollination and maximising harvests. And when it comes to companion planting these are my top two companion plants for tomatoes… MARIGOLDS 🌼 Marigolds are such a useful flower to have in the garden! I under plant my tomatoes with them as they help deter common pests such as none beneficial nematodes within the soil and whitefly above, as they hate their scent! They attract beneficial insects into the garden too, many of them predatory, such as lace wings and ladybirds which will help keep on top of those aphids.🐞👈🏻 They also add colour and beauty to the space and are edible too. BASIL 🌱 Basil and tomatoes are a classic pairing. They enjoy similar growing conditions so grow really well together, then make an even better pairing on the plate. 😋 Basils strong scent can also help to deter common pests, and is often said that planting basil near tomatoes actually improves their flavour, so a great all round companion to those tomatoes! So do you utilise the power of companion planting in your garden? 😊🌱🌼 And I am now offering my own organic seed packs including some of my favourite varieties I grow that are perfect for growing that month. 😊🍅🫛🌱🌼 This month’s includes a couple of my favourite tomato varieties, as well as marigolds, basil, and purple podded peas. To pick up a pack, just follow the link in my bio. 😊 #companionplanting #growingtomatoes #gardeningtips #tomatoplant #vegetablegardening

♬ original sound - Nettles and Petals


