聯合汽車工會(United Auto Workers,UAW)立法與貿易事務負責人韋德(Jason Wade)說,工會正在密切注意川普對於電動車政策的改變,以及汽車產業如何因應。
TITLE = Autos Cracking US Market
CAPTION = This Aug. 4, 2015 photo shows a 28-pound pop-out battery for a Mahindra GenZe 2.0 pre-production prototype at the company's factory in Ann Arbor, Mich. Mahindra, India’s largest SUV maker, wants to increase i...【作者:美國聯合通訊社,日期:2015-09-02,數位典藏序號:20150902032725000】川普總統取消電動車補助計畫,意外使得共和黨選區數以千計勞工面臨衝擊。圖為一輛福特電動車正在充電。(美聯社)
FILE - In this photo made on Thursday, May 6, 2021, the reflection of the front of a 2021 Ford Mustang Mach E is seen in the window as it is charging at a Ford dealer in Wexford, Pa. Starting Jan. 1, 2023, many Americans will qualify for a tax credit of up to $7,500 for buying an electric vehicle. The credit, part of changes enacted by the Inflation Reduction Act, is designed to spur EV sales and reduce greenhouse emissions. (AP Photo/Keith Srakocic, File)【作者:美國聯合通訊社,日期:2022-12-26,數位典藏序號:20221227010756072】
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