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搭飛機想坐在寬敞座位又不想額外加錢?與其早早辦理登機手續,英國廉價旅遊專家狄金森(Chelsea Dickenson)分享逆向操作的一招,叫「延遲登機報到」(Check-In Chicken)。(路透/Alamy)
搭飛機想坐在寬敞座位又不想額外加錢?與其早早辦理登機手續,英國廉價旅遊專家狄金森(Chelsea Dickenson)分享逆向操作的一招,叫「延遲登機報到」(Check-In Chicken)。(路透/Alamy)

搭飛機想坐在寬敞座位又不想額外加錢?與其早早辦理登機手續,英國廉價旅遊專家狄金森(Chelsea Dickenson)分享逆向操作的一招,叫「延遲登機報到」(Check-In Chicken),也就是盡量拖到最後一刻,強調如果用得好,航空公司將別無選擇,只能給你位置更棒的座位。不過用這招也會有相對應的風險。




「如果空座位沒了,他們將不得不分配原本需要付費的座位。」美國知名點數里程部落格View from the Wing創辦人勒夫(Gary Leff)表示。

在最近一個TikTok短影片,狄金森示範從愛沙尼亞首都飛往英國倫敦,搭乘匈牙利廉航威茲航空(Wizz Air),在起飛前約5個半小時才辦理登機,剩下兩個有額外腿部空間的座位都被她拿到。


Was this too last minute?! 😰 🛫 Send this to someone who loves to leave checking in a little too late… 🙈 🐔 WHAT IS CHECK IN CHICKEN? 🐔 Check in Chicken is when you leave your online check in for Wizz Air and Ryanair late in the hope that you get allocated a better seat. 💺 WHY DO YOU GET A BETTER SEAT IF YOU L EAVE CHECK IN LATE? 💺 Wizz Air and Ryanair both do three things: 1. They charge for seats 2. They actively split up people travelling together 3. They often place people in ‘bad seats’ - i.e. middle seats and those away from the exits All of this means that as time ticks on, often the seats that are left available are the ‘good seats’ - i.e. upfront and extra legroom 🤔 DOES IT ACTUALLY WORK? 🤔 Yep! I actually can’t remember the last time I didn’t get an extra legroom seat because of doing this!! ⚠️ BUT WHAT’S THE RISK? ⚠️ The small risk - as you have seen in this video - is that you leave check in too late and there’s no seats left. This is because airlines can overbook planes due to the chance that a small percentage of passengers won’t show up for the flight. Now, technically the airline shouldn’t automatically boot off those that were last to check in - they’re supposed to ask if anyone is willing to give up their seat first (they get another flight plus compensation so some may well go for it) but often they just stick it on those who have left check in chicken a little too late… 😭 HOW BIG IS THE RISK?! 😭 Wizz Air and Ryanair both have a fairly high average load factor - around 94% - and so planes are often close to full. However, it is true that some passengers don’t show up and there are still plenty of flights that aren’t completely full. Overall, they wouldn’t overbook if they were losing money on the situation - which they would be if it happened often since they’d need to rebook your flight, put you up in accommodation if needed and give you compensation. 💁‍♀️ MY TOP TIP 💁‍♀️ Don’t leave Check in Chicken until the last moment - you need to be checking the seating plan throughout the day and check in when only good seats are left! 📣 LET ME KNOW… Would you do this?! And has anyone ever been on an overbooked plane?! #wizzair #checkin #overbookedflight

♬ original sound - Cheap Holiday Expert

但Check-In Chicken不適用於所有航班。需要注意的一點是,這招只有在機位幾乎銷售一空時才有用。若乘客沒有多到能填滿座位,你可能仍會得到一個爛位子。



旅行業分析師暨大氣研究集團(Atmosphere Research Group)總裁哈特費爾德(Henry Harteveldt)表示,某些航空公司會在起飛前24小時開始釋出較好的座位,另一些則會等到起飛前8小時或更接近時才釋出。



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