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她分享隔餐白飯一秘密 醫師認證好處:麵包、馬鈴薯也相同

亞裔料理網紅在TikTok分享冰過再加熱的隔餐白飯好處,說這是亞洲媽媽的秘密。米飯示意圖。(取材自pexels.com@Rachel Claire)
亞裔料理網紅在TikTok分享冰過再加熱的隔餐白飯好處,說這是亞洲媽媽的秘密。米飯示意圖。(取材自pexels.com@Rachel Claire)



🍚👇🏼The secret is … 🍚👇🏼 🍚👇🏼 🍚👇🏼 … freezing your rice then reheat it! Research has shown that reheating frozen rice can reduce carb and calorie absorption by up to 50%. This is due to the formation of resistant starch, a type of carbohydrate that resists digestion in the small intestine and reaches the large intestine mostly intact. Unlike regular starch, which is quickly broken down into glucose and absorbed, resistant starch behaves more like dietary fiber. Resistant starch can promote gut health by acting as a prebiotic, feeding beneficial gut bacteria. It also helps regulate blood sugar levels, improves insulin sensitivity, and is helpful for weight management by increasing feelings of fullness. Resistant starch can be formed when certain starchy foods (e.g. rice) are cooked and then cooled or frozen. The cooling process changes the structure of the starch, making it more resistant to digestion. Incorporating resistant starch into your diet may have various health benefits, particularly for digestive health, blood sugar management, and weight control. Here’s how I freeze my rice: 1. Place about 1 cup of freshly cooked rice on a piece of plastic wrap. 2. Form rice into desirable shape. 3. Wrap tightly. Repeat. 4. Let cool slightly on countertop. 5. Freeze for 12 hours or till firm. 6. Place individually wrapped rice in a freezer bag. Keeps in freezer for up to 1 month. Here’s how I I reheat frozen rice: 1. Remove plastic wrap. 2. Place frozen rice in a microwave safe bowl. 3. Optional: Cover bowl with a wet paper towel. 4. Microwave on high for 1.5 to 2 minutes or till rice is thoroughly heated. 5. Gently fluff rice a few times. Enjoy! How does the rice taste? In my opinion, it tastes great. It’s moist and soft, not soggy or gummy. The texture stays the same as freshly cooked rice as well. 10/10 recommend! #rice #whiterice #mealprep #frozenfood #kitchenhacks #foodhacks #cookinghacks #healthycooking #resistantstarch #lifehacks

♬ 往事只能回味(Cover 韩宝仪) - 听月

紐約郵報(New York Post)報導,琳達在其TikTok帳號「@mamalindacooks」以影片分享白飯熱量變低的秘密,影片獲超過37萬次瀏覽。

醫師蘭加拉詹(Karan Rangarajan)在TikTok上表示,冰過再加熱的隔餐白飯熱量低不是迷思,是真的,他說冷藏、冷凍過再加熱的飯、麵包、義大利麵、馬鈴薯、豆類和燕麥,熱量都會變少。


Leftovers ! @MamaLindaCooks

♬ original sound - Dr Karan Raj




不過,食用冰過的隔餐飯要特別注意,若過程處理不慎,可能引發「炒飯症候群」(Fried rice syndrome),指煮過的飯被俗稱仙人掌菌的蠟樣芽胞桿菌感染引發食物中毒,常見症狀是上吐下瀉,義大利麵和馬鈴薯也可能導致這種狀況。



TikTok 料理食譜


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