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嫌舊金山市區破敗 米其林一星餐廳Aphotic宣布12月關閉

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伊利諾州女子反覆出現流感症狀 一查發現兇手是它

伊利諾州的女子卡琳先前反覆出現流感症狀,後來才發現病菌來自她的不鏽鋼水壺。(翻攝Karyn Smith Wilson TikTok @karynsmithwilson )
伊利諾州的女子卡琳先前反覆出現流感症狀,後來才發現病菌來自她的不鏽鋼水壺。(翻攝Karyn Smith Wilson TikTok @karynsmithwilson )

伊利諾州埃爾姆赫斯特(Elmhurst)的卡琳(Karyn Smith Wilson)過去反覆出現類似流感的症狀將近一年,經過不斷尋找後才發現「兇手」就在身邊,原來是她使用的不鏽鋼水壺讓她生病。醫生示警,不鏽鋼水壺有時候會有鉛和鎘或重金屬,流至水中人喝下後會致病。

每日郵報(Daily Mail)報導,卡琳過去反覆出現流感症狀將近一年,後來發現元凶是她的不鏽鋼水瓶;她在TikTok講述自己的經歷,影片目前已超過110萬次點閱。



I mentioned approximately 15 years ago a metal water bottle made me quite sick for 6-9 months on & off. You asked me to tell you more about it. I had about 6-9 months that I kept getting flulike symptoms. Achy, fever, severe fatigue and then respiratory symptoms including wheezing and coughing. I kept getting put on steroids which made me gain a ton of weight. Each time I recovered I would start going to the gym again and within a week the illness would return. Finally, I thought long and hard about what had changed in my routine and gym as it seemed I got sick only after going there. They hadn’t gotten new floors or any major renovations. I realized I had a new metal water bottle. I looked it up online and on one site it was said to contain lead and cadmium. I stopped using it. I did keep it in hopes of getting it tested one day. I accidentally used it one day, months later, on a bike ride. The following day I had the same old symptoms. Years later the same exact illness happened after buying an Original Green pan set (“non toxic ceramic pan” 🙄). I used the pan to simmer something for hours and another time to finish cooking something in the oven. Both times the same symptoms returned. I returned the pans to Target for a full refund. I now use a glass water bottle and only All Clad Stainless Steel pans that are made in the US. #Hashimotos #Hypothyroid #Thyroid #thyroidhealing #HealthAwareness #leadpoisoning #MTHFR #AllClad

♬ original sound - Karyn Smith Wilson


食物政策專家德特維勒(Darin Detwiler)受訪時表示,不鏽鋼水壺可能因為汙染物或使用品質不好的金屬而使人生病,有時候甚至還有鉛、鎘、重金屬或其他致病的化學物跑到水中被喝下肚。



流感 伊利諾州 TikTok


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